The Lake District, England
June 2025
For thousands of years people have engaged with the wilderness and the ‘mirror of nature’ to find clarity in life. To answer the questions that life throws up, or to mark significant life transitions. Taking time out from the busyness of everyday life, people cross the threshold into wild places to attend more closely to the movement of soul, to remember what is at one’s core, what is most important. Nature is healing. She brings to our attention the ways that we can change and enrich our lives.
Experience a solo wilderness threshold quest and guided rite of passage in the beautiful fells of the Lake District. A guided 5-day course, including a fasting day spent alone on the fells from dawn to dusk with Mo Wilde as your guide.
June 18 - 22, 2025
This guided 5-day course, limited to 12 people, prepares you for your threshold quest with the support of your guides Mo and Mungo, using the four directions teachings of Bill Plotkin.
5 Days Retreat
Monica 'Mo' Wilde
Known as informally as Mo, I’m an ethnobotanist and research herbalist. I live in Scotland in a self-built wooden house where I’ve created a wild, teaching garden on 4 organic acres, encouraging edible and medicinal species to make their home. I hold a Masters degree in Herbal Medicine, am a Fellow of the Linnean Society, a Member of the British Mycological Society and a Member of the Association of Foragers, which I helped to found in 2015. I’ve has been teaching foraging and herbal medicine for several decades now, with the aim of “Restoring Vital Connection” – the mantra of the Association of Foragers.
As a research herbalist I work with the Claid Clinic to further our knowledge of treating people with long bacterial and post-viral illnesses such as Lyme disease. I am a Member of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS).
Office 1 Brunswick House, Brunswick Way, Liverpool, England, L3 4BN